Natalia is from West Papua, Indonesia. She is 25 years old and lives with her family near the township of Jayapura. She has lived with the condition known as Neurofibromatosis since the age of two. We understand there was an attempt to kill her when she was very young because of her appearance, and as a result of this attempt, she has been left with a terrible leg deformity.
Natalia's plight has inspired Rotarians in Australia and Overseas, including Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC), which will then help her to lead a more normal life.
We have been liaising with a prominent Thoracic Surgeon in Sydney with a view to having specialists undertake surgery to help Natalia.
At the moment, the Liverpool Hospital in Sydney along with specialist Plastic Surgeons, have generously agreed to help Natalia as a humanitarian aid patient, with treatment and hospitalization free of charge. Their offer includes removing the growth and then reconstruct her face. These are two of the very best Plastic Surgeons in the country. 

A decision regarding her leg deformity will be taken after her facial reconstruction is completed and she is on her way to recovery.
It is expected that Natalia will be in the country for at least three months and that her surgeries will occur, in the early part of 2019. However, there is now an urgent need to raise $20,000 to cover the costs of return airfares for Natalia and her Carer, internal transport costs, visas, support for home hosting families, and interpreter costs.
The Rotary Club of Liverpool West, District 9675 is partnering with the Rotary Clubs of Bendigo Strathdale, District 9800 and
Phnom Penh,District 3350,to help Natalia.
This surgery cannot take place unless we can raise sufficient funds to cover these costs.
This is now a project of… Rotary Australia World Community Service.
Donations can be made to…. The Natalia Project No.23, of 2018/19.
Private and Corporate Australian Donations are Tax Deductible.
Greg Penno, PHF, President, Rotary Club of Bendigo Strathdale,District 9800, Victoria. AUSTRALIA.
Peter Gray, PHF, Past President, Rotary Club of Phnom Penh, District 3350, CAMBODIA.
Jim Rudling, PHF, President, Rotary Club Liverpool West, District 9675, New South Wales. AUSTRALIA.